Guest reviewer!
Woody Allen. You love him or you hate him. Or that’s what I used to think. It turns out that some people don’t think about him at all. I wish I was one of those…
But I happen to be a hater. Of both the man and his work. His movies generally put me to sleep (or more often make me wish I was asleep) – I just cannot tolerate his signature whining, neurotic character. As a person, I find his behavior with Soon-Yi Previn absolutely repugnant. Yes, I know it’s been years and that they are still married. But she was 9 years old when he entered her life as a father figure. The whole thing makes me want to barf.
On the other hand, I know lots of people who adore his movies and think he’s a genius. As a hater, how was I going to manage my OCD completist Oscar movie review project when there was an Allen movie in the mix? Answer – guest reviewer!
And I found the ultimate guest reviewer for Midnight in Paris. Someone without much feeling toward Allen period – not a hater and not a fawner. Paul, who writes amazing music posts and reviews for Pop Rock Nation, happened to be a Woody Allen blank slate. Perfect! He brings his writing chops here to Movie Rewind and I get to continue my Oscar Project. Thanks Paul!
You can read all about what Paul thinks of Midnight in Paris over here. So far it’s very, very low on the list of Oscar nominees seen and reviewed. In a weak year it looks like it might be the weakest link. 5 down, 4 to go! Next up? The Tree of Life.
2012 Oscar Movies on Movie Rewind

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skills She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
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